thanks Christian for the new ROM. still this one doesnt have the voice command.
@besho: sorry, I forgot to put it in by changing the dutch rom to the english one, maybe i'm able to create a cab or reupload the rom with voice command in it tonight
Cristian Help, i have a problem i always se your picture that is loading and on the picture is message tap the screen to set up youre windows phone but i dont se the cross where to tap can you help or is ther a skip. i have hard_spl and then upgradet to the new version
Get out the battery and start again and install will start again. Or just reflash and it should be fine
i did reflash, but the screen wont work i had yesterday problems with the slider can it be that the touch screen is broken
When are you going to delete Sense? Yes, I know I'm the one who requested it. The point is, I hate it.
@fract: Could be a hardware problem @wes: Don't know, no need to remove it right?
Is er een mogelijkheid om de Twitter App in de Sense panel werkend te krijgen?
hello,,i want to ask,,how to download this rom..sory~can't find to download it..
Thanks for your hard work. Are the media panel and the tilewave panel settings missing text again? Or have I done something really wrong. Full version WWE. How do I find the voice command? TIA
Hi Christian, i downloaded the Rapid Share and the Mega Upload and both of them were the old versions without voice command and transcriber. i am now downloading the hotfile link. could you please tell me which one was updated.
Hmm, maybe something went wrong. I will check it out. Should be updated(only wwe roms can have voice command, so the NL roms don't have voice command and can't have it)
yeah christian i am downloading WWE full rom. maybe the links r not updated
The language files for the voicecommand were missing. I released a fix, check the news for this
i have the missing text issue too i resolved the tilewave by installing a cab i found online the media i cannot seem to find a fix i also noticed that there are no baloons in the skype panel even if i reinstall it from SE website
Christian, I'm Dutch but typing english for the non-dutch folks. Nice work with you latest rom again. In the changelog I read: Threaded email from 6.5.5 added Somehow i can't get it working, using it with my exchange account. Is there an option I miss or something? But again... nice work!
@christian, there is no need but if you remove Sense you'll have (probably, I'm no dev) more space left to maybe put things in.
@sgm: I got a exchange account from my college and everything is working fine. @wes: yes that's right but I'm personally not in need of space, do you?
Hey Chris, nice work with this ROM. I've installed the clean dutch version and I have to say my phone has never been this fast. Which is a big deal for an xperia I think. However, there is one fairly big problem. Since I've updated to your ROM I haven't been able to connect my phone through USB anymore. None of the options work (ActyveSync, Diskdrive etc...). When I plug my phone into the computer it is not recognized. This will cause a problem when I want to reflash my phone in the future. Any ideas would be appreciated.
One small addition... Do you think it would be possible for you to put a shortcut to bootloader in your ROM? I have this problem where my VOL buttons don't work. So it is impossible for me to enter bootmode in the normal fashion. I managed to get enterbootloader.exe on Microsoft MyPhone, sync it to my phone and enter the tri-colour screen. I happened to have a kovsimg file on my mem card at all times, so this saved my phone. Could've saved me some hastle though if there was a shortcut somewhere in your ROM... ;-)
Maybe it's possible but not really worth it. You can place the shortcut on your sd card yourself.
Thanks for the Rom, Been testing it, was really interested in de HTC Sense. Probleem after Wheater (mine location) activation. De home sense screen is always on top. Whatever you start can be seen voor less than a second but then de Sense Home screen is there again. Reset the Xperia X1 and be quick enough to start the windows screen and deactivate HTC Sense and your Rom is working normal again. Any Idee what is wrong. Are there options that can case this problem. Hope you know an answer.
Ok I need some help. I followed all the iisrtuctnons to he best of my ability and was able to get the phone successfully rooted. I went to install the new rom and from what the phone is telling me it installed successfully but when it goes to boot back up it doesn't get past the (SAMSUNG www, screen. It's like there is no rom at all. I know I made one huge mistake and that was not backing up the original system. So there is nothing to fall back on. I can't get the new rom to work. HELP PLEASE???!!!???!!!???