Social Media Share buttons have been added to the website.
From now on you can easily share the news from my website with your twitter followers, your facebook friends or your hyves friends.
Just press the buttons on the bottom of a news article and it's done.
This was something I was planning to implement for a while but finally here it is. If you got any problems with this feature feel free to comment below.
print 'No article is available';Like you all know it's christmas in a few days. I would like to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year!
New website, new style and more
I did some work on the website. Like you can see it got a new style. I hope you like it and will tell your opinion about it.
Some code got updated, I fixed some bugs and finished the links section. You can now submit your own links and I can approve them to publice them on my website. Most of the work done is in the admin section since it wasn't updated for about a year so I wasn't even able to add a rom via the admin panel. But now I am! This way I can manage the site even better.
I hope you like the new theme. In case you see any bugs in the website please report them to me so I can fix them. If you have any hints feel also free to contact me!
More updates and new features soon!
Thanks to everyone who reported the bug!
About the next rom, I am to busy at the moment but a new sys is coming again soon(23548). I will try to cook and release a new rom with that sys in the upcoming days
print 'No article is available';Just a quicknote that the comment feature for the news articles is working fine again.
I was coding for this website a few days ago and think I made a mistake by checking the wrong $_POST value so that's why the comment feature always returned an error when you tried to comment to an article.
It has been fixed now. If you see any other bugs or issues in the website please contact me.
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