I just got a notification on my htc desire Z that an official update for the phone is available. It's the Android 2.3 update!
I haven't installed yet since I have to downgrade and get the official recovery before it will accept the official updates(currently on clockworkmod recovery).
Update 2011-07-14 16:34: First I have to downgrade to get the official recovery(couldn't get it to work by just flashing the official recovery file via flash_image etc.). To downgrade I followed this tutorial from androidworld(dutch) again(It's working for 1.72 and 1.82).
Since I don't really care about full root(the only thing I use is cpu set and adfree) and S-Off(I'm not using custom roms on my phone desire Z) anymore. I'm taking my phone completely back to stock by using this guide from xda(english).
Now I'm going to update, OTA update by OTA update to the new android 2.3 update.
Update 2011-07-14 16:55: Update to version 2.42.405.2 with android 2.3.3 and Sense 2.1 has been installed! First impression: new menu and faster
Update 2011-07-15 00:36: Got the new update running for the past few hours and it's working really nice. Another thing I found out there is an extra tab on the dropdown menu with a menu to turn on things like wifi, bluetooth, gps, 3g etc.
More information to follow.
print 'No article is available';Google released her new Social Network platform called Google+
Currently it is available for a very smal group of testers only. You can only join when you have an invite. Sending invites has currently been disabled because of to much new users.
But there is a workaround, so you can still create your own Google+ account:
- Create a post
- Share it directly with the person you want to invite, using their email address (click "add circles or people to share with")
- They'll get an email with a link to learn more. From this page, they can sign up for Google+
For an invite you can send me a mail([email protected]) be sure to include your email adress. So I can send the invite to that email adress
As long as this work around is possible I will try to send out invites.
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I found a nice article at the internet by asymco.
It's a timeline of all mobile platforms since the really beginning. It all started with palm OS back in 1996 till now with Android, Windows phone and IOS.
Just take a look yourself below:
print 'No article is available';Nadat de usenet community FTD vorige week woensdag de rechtszaak tegen BREIN verloor hadden ze de keus om door te gaan en alle verwijzingen te filteren of ermee te stoppen. Gister, dinsdag 15 Februari 2011, is er dus aangekondigd dat FTD per 1 maart 2011 op zwart gaat.
Nu rijst de vraag op: wat nu? Wat zijn de alternatieve voor het vinden van informatie over te downloaden binaries vanuit usenet?
Er werden meerdere forums en programma's genoemd. Hiervan zijn gister later op de dag de meeste ook offline gegaan(waaronder TwilightNZB, Dutch Binaries Program, NZBKingdom, FTAClub en ShrekNZB). Dit alles na sommaties van brein.
Nu zijn er dus een aantal mogelijkheden om alsnog van usenet te downloaden. Natuurlijk het ouderwetse headers ophalen van de nieuws server en hier gewoon zelf tussen gaan zoeken naar interessante downloads. Dit is natuurlijk niet zo handig als dat het was om via FTD te zoeken. Tevens is er haast geen informatie aanwezig, met een beetje geluk is er een .nfo bestand aanwezig maar zelfs dit is niet altijd het geval. Dit geeft dus wel aan waarom communities als FTD z'n succes zijn geworden.
Maar er is een alternatief. Dit alternatief met de naam spotnet werkt voor de eind gebruiker precies hetzelfde als FTD met het essentiële verschil dat spotnet zijn database niet centraal opslaat zoals FTD dit deed maar decentraal op usenet zelf(om deze reden dus ook dat er een usenet account nodig is voor het gebruik van het programma). Dit geeft dus als voordeel dat het niet zoals nu bij FTD kan zijn dat de centrale opslag down gaat en hierdoor het hele programma niet meer bruikbaar is.
Spotnet importeert tevens de spots van FTD waardoor het een erg grote database is. Dit blijft spotnet ook doen tot FTD ermee stopt op 1 maart. Hierna zal het moeten leven van de spots die bij spotnet zelf aangemeld worden.
Dan als laatste het downloaden van Films en muziek uit nieuwsgroepen is niet illegaal in Nederland het verspreiden hiervan(uploaden naar nieuws server) overigens wel. Voor Software geld dat het verspreiden en het downloaden hiervan illegaal is volgends de Nederlandse wet. Ik probeer dan ook niet aan te zetten tot het downloaden van illegale content, maar alleen een alternatief voor een mooie database met informatie van spots op usenet aan te geven.
Links: Tutorial(Binaries4all) || Official spotnet website
print 'No article is available';I've got a new phone
It's the HTC Desire Z. For the xperia roms. I will release another rom that is running very good for a couple of weeks now on my own phone soon.
print 'No article is available';Htc unveiled the HTC Desire HD and Z.
Last Wednesday(15th of September) Htc has unveiled their new android phones. The HTC Desire HD and the Desire Z.
The Desire Z has a qwerty keyboard. So I'm thinking of that phone, to be my next phone.
For the people who haven't seen those phones yet check the HTC pages:
What do you guys think about those phones?
Photo of the Desire Z.
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The trailer of the new upcoming call of duty: Black ops.
Here's something I really want to share with you all. It's the trailer of the new upcoming Call of duty game called Black ops. Release date is November 9th 2010. Looks great in my opinion!
With this application you can download as simple as it could be from almost any One-Click-Hosters without all the difficulties you normally get.
A few weeks ago someone told me about this application. It's called JDownloader. Since most of you know all my roms and many other stuff on the internet is hosted on One-Click-Hosters like Rapidshare, megaupload, sendspace, hotfile etc. Because of this I really had to share this tool with all my site visitors.
The application helps you downloading from sites like these. You only have to include the link and the application will start download when the download can be downloaded. So you no longer have to put in the catchpas, or wait until the download link appear. For example if you like to download 10 files from rapidshare you just have to copy the files and grab them via the application and JDownloader will manage all files and start downloading when it's available. So you no longer have to take a look at the website over and over again if the waiting time has already passed.
I think it's a nice application and hope some of you like it and find it useful to use.
Link to download JDownloader is: JDownloader.org
print 'No article is available';If you like to have an invite to Lockerz.com just mail me or comment and I will send you one.
Since yesterday I got an account on Lockerz.com, since you need to be invited to join just send me an email or reply below and I will invite you. You need to include your email adress to get an invitation. Incase you don't know what Lockerz is just check their website.
print 'No article is available';Like you all know. Today it's April the 1st. So that means Aprils Fools day!
I like to share some great jokes I've seen today. Incase you also have seen some great fools or you are a fooled person and like to share it with the rest of the visitors. Just post below!
Here are the fooles I've seen:
Youtube fool: All videos are in letters:
Tweakers.net fool: The whole frontpage is in 1337:
Google translate: They are going to translate animal languages for you:
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