New rom release, 6.100 based on COM3 23152
This could be one of the latest rom form my side for the x1. Since last week I got a new phone: HTC Desire Z(Android phone).
This rom is the rom I've been using for the last 2 weeks and it was really stable for me. Maybe there will be some more updates for my x1 rom but not as frequently as now.
Here is the changelog for this 6.100 rom:
- new sys: 23152(Branche: COM3)(Timebomb fix not needed):
- Pocketwit updated to v85
Note: This rom was quite stable for me. I now have a new phone so the activity for the x1 rom updates will be very low. Atleast here is a good rom for a while.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't the end of my x1 rom but it will just become a bit a side project.
Thanks everyone for the support, donations and testing for the rom! I hope this new rom release will make you all happy!
Christian's Rom 6.001 with 23150 sys released
A new rom release again. It's with the COM3 branch again, version number 23150.
Youtube has been fixed in this rom again. Here's the changelog:
- new sys: 23150(Branche: COM3)(Timebomb fix not needed):
- Youtube app is working again(removed too much packages when I removed sense)
- ActiveGcSync update to v2.06
- Pocketweet updated to v84
- Icalparse updated to 2.0.3
Have fun with this rom
2010-12-06 19:31: Full roms online, Clean is coming later
print 'No article is available';New Christian's Rom is online: 5.910
Here's a new rom. This time a full and clean release at the same time.
Unlike the latest rom, this one is very stable again. I think the crash problem was with the threaded email port.
A complete changelog can be found below:
- new sys: 23148(Branche: COM3)(Timebomb fix not needed):
- PockeTwit v83 added
- Pagepool back to 16mb
- Sense removed(faster rom)
- Threaded email removed(this was the reason of the many crashes)
- Icalparse updated to 2.0.2
- ActiveGcSync v2.05 added(to sync google calendar without using active sync)
I also removed the complete sense panel and packages since I personally never used it and from the other side it gives us much more free space and makes the rom faster.
Have fun with the new rom!
2010-11-21 22:41: all files(clean and full) are currently uploading
2010-11-21 23:17: Clean/Full NL and full WWE are online on rapidshare
2010-11-21 23:22: Full NL and WWE online on megaupload
2010-11-21 23:31: Clean NL and WWE online on megaupload
2010-11-21 23:32: Clean WWE online on rapidshare, Full NL online on Sendspace
2010-11-21 23:41: WWE Full online on sendspace
print 'No article is available';New rom 5.830 based on 22047
Here's a new rom. Based on another branch(Sony Ericsson branch).
- new sys: 22047(Branche: SEMC sony ericsson Branch)(Timebomb fix not needed):
- Icalparse updated to 2.0.0
- Arkswitch updated to 1.2.0
Download links in xperia rom section
Voicecommand isn't working and here's a fix.
Voicecommand is only available in WWE roms. If you're using the latest Full or Clean WWE rom the voicecommand isn't working. This is because of missing Language files. The included cab with this post should fix this. I haven't test it, since I don't have a WWE rom on my phone at the moment. So feedback is appreciated.
Link: Rapidshare || FTP
print 'No article is available';New rom based on 23676.
A new rom is online with some updates. Here's the changelog:
- new sys: 23676(Branche: LG Electronics Branch)(Timebomb fix not needed):
- Google Maps updated to 4.1.1
- Threaded email from 6.5.5 added
- Icalparse updated to 1.6.6
- Total Commander updated to 2.52 beta 3
print 'No article is available';New rom based on 23670 from the LG Electronics Branch
In this rom the reply to an sms is working fine. It was something that was wrong in the latest rom sys(and still is in newer versions of that branche). So I searched for another new branche/sys and found out the LG Electronics Branch is really good
I also removed ameba since it gave more problems then it solved. Hope you can life with that decision and in case you can't you have to install it yourself
Here's the changelog:
- new sys: 23670(Branche: LG Electronics Branch)(Timebomb fix not needed): sms is working fine again
- Ameba removed
Package list of all packages included in the rom has also been updated. Check out here
New 5.512 rom online!
It's a long time since the latest release. But here's finally a new rom!
It's based on a totally different branche then the latest roms. I don't know what the branch is called(If anyone know, just give a shout) atleast the build number is 24619.
Here's the changelog
- new sys: 24619(Branche: ?)(Timebomb fix not needed):
- Myphone fixed in english roms
- Icalparse updated to 1.5.7
- Themes are made compatible with this branche!
- Pagepool set from 16mb to 24mb
Just check it out and tell me if you like it
I'm testing a new rom based on 24619.
After using the 23569 sys for about 1.5 month it began to crash. Since there wasn't a new windows mobile 6.5.5(COM5) sys around I start looking at the other leaks. The 24619 is a windows mobile 6.3.7 sys and is dated 17 june 2010.
I created a new rom with that sys and some other changes yesterday night and it seems to work really smooth.
Also the pagepool has been changed to 24mb in my rom.
I will test this rom for the upcoming days/week and if it's working fine and good enough to release I will release it to the public. So stay tuned!
print 'No article is available';New rom 5.419 based on 23569 online
The new rom is finally online. Here's the changelog again:
- new sys: 23569(Branche: COM5)(Timebomb fixed):
- X2 R3AA035 stuff updated
- Panel manager updated to
- flashpanelandMMIIInstall updated(seems like atleast the flash panels postions are fixed now)
- updated xkeyhandler
- updated xpfilterdeploy
- updated xpframework
- updated tilewave panel
- SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.1 panel from x2(even in dutch on dutch roms)
Have fun, more mirrors and clean rom soon but i'm quite busy at the moment
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