
Fix for input button problem in new rom(2.903)

Rss feed for topic Xperia RomXperia Rom - Posted by: christian On 01-10-2009 @ 12:55 - Updated on: 01-10-2009 @ 13:06

Input button is missing in the personal menu. Here's the fix.

This is my fault since I just forgot to remove this registry key like I always have to do with the newer builds.

I'm talking about the input button in the personal menu that isn't there. Maybe you already found this out and maybe you don't atleast to fix this follow the stept below:

Here's the solution(you need something to edit your registry, you can do this from your pc with "CeRegEditor" or use tools like "sktools" "resco explorer" etc on your phone):
1) Go to:

2) You will see those reg entries. Ignore the first one("Group")

3) The second one("Redirect") must be completely removed. So just remove that entry and the icon will be back(maybe you need to restart your phone).
After you did this the registry key will look like this:



If anyone don't get it or can't get it too work, feel free to contact me and I will help you out. Or just post in the xda forum thread and get your answer from other users or me.

Have a nice day!

Btw. This bug will be fixed in future roms like it was in previous roms. So you only have to fix it this time.
