
X2 dump!!!

Rss feed for topic Xperia RomXperia Rom - Posted by: christian On 02-10-2009 @ 00:14 - Updated on: 02-10-2009 @ 16:00

Me, totalfire and agent 47 got a new dump from an x2!

X2owner had a x2 so he dumped the rom for use. Now we're working on it. Will update as soon as I got any information!

UPDATE 1:37: We got allmost all files sorted out. There are no panels or panel manager in this rom dump. Hope to get everything the way it must be soon.

UPDATE 3:12:We're cooking with the files but got some problems. Kitchen is crashing when cooking

UPDATE 3:29: Still no luck. I'm off to bed and will continue my work tomorrow.

UPDATE 15:59: Dump seems to be corrupt. Alteast it doesn't work. So we will ask for another dump and hope we can get it to work soon
